1. NAME AND OBJECTIVES The NAME of the association shall be “Pwllheli Mooring and Berth Holders Association”. (Hereinafter referred to in these rules as “the Association”.) The OBJECTIVES for which the Association is formed are to: a) pro-actively represent the interest of members as mooring holders,and berth holders and persons having an interest in the facilities at Pwllheli harbour area. b) maintain contact with other Associations with similar objectives. c) to promote such services, facilities and events for members as may from time to time be determined. 2. OFFICERS 2. Only full members can hold a positi
Pwllheli Mooring & Berth Holders Association (Founded) 2005
The amendments to this document have been made in the absence of voting by members. Voting on these rules changes will be made at the next AGM to be held.
1. Name and Objectives
2. Officers
3. Membership (changes made to remove the need for non-boat owners to pay for a Class of £5 membership and to create a free Associate membership in its place.
4. The Committee
5. Meetings of the Association
6. Dissolution of the Association
The NAME of the association shall be “Pwllheli Mooring and Berth Holders Association”. (Hereinafter referred to in these rules as “the Association”.)